How Much to Water
- About one inch of water per week is adequate.
- Apply water only when it is needed; over watering promotes diseases and affects the overall health of the lawn.
- A good soaking once or twice a week is better than watering every day.
Best Times for Watering
- To minimize water lost to evaporation, water during the cool part of the day(4-8am).
- Avoid watering during midday hours when it is hot and sunny to prevent scalding the turf.
- Watering at night is not recommended because the lawn stays wet for a long period of time.
Some Basic Information
- Mow grass to height of 2.5-3″; shorter causes evaporation.
- If you have local watering restrictions, water less frequently and gradually reduce the amount of water. Reduce foot traffic, and allow the grass to grow longer to reduce moisture loss from the soil.Adding organic matter before seeding will help improve water and nutrient retention.
- Reduce water requirements by using drought-tolerant grass seed and sod, and by planting drought-tolerant trees, shrubs and plants.
Sprinkler and Automatic Timer Information
- Adjust sprinklers to water only grassy areas.
- Use sprinklers that spray low large drops versus high fine ones.
- An automatic timer will save time and money! Set system to run between 4-8am, running for three 10-minute sessions, 1/2 hour apart to improve water infiltration and reduce runoff.
- Equip the timer system with moisture sensors to avoid watering during times of rain.
- Set timer to water every 3 or 4 days, accommodating changes in seasonal water demand.